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Sanzonate’s Aqueous Ozone Solutions Begins Trial with Tri Star Energy

OMAHA, NEBRASKA, January 26, 2024, /PRNewswire/

Sanzonate Global, Inc., a leading global provider of aqueous ozone technology products, has initiated a trial of its EnozoICE product with Tri Star Energy, LLC headquartered in Nashville, TN. The EnozoICE, a commercial ice machine cleaning and antimicrobial device, will be measured for its effectiveness over a 90-day period starting February 5, 2024, in Twice Daily C-store locations in the Nashville area.

We’re looking forward to the challenge of proving our ozonated water technology as an all-natural solution that will eliminate bacterial growth in Tri Star’s ice machines. Our on-site generation of Aqueous Ozone provides a “green” cleaning and sanitizing agent that is environmentally responsible and economically sound,

states Mike Hanafan, President of Sanzonate Global, Inc.


This Aqueous Ozone technology is new to us, and we’re interested in seeing how it works to improve our delivery of a safe ice product to our customers.

shares Darrell Mowbray, Field Maintenance Manager for Tri Star Energy, LLC.

About Tri Star Energy, LLC:

Since 2000, Tri Star Energy has existed to serve the communities of Middle Tennessee with dependable fuel services and top-quality convenience stores. We have since expanded across western Kentucky, northern Alabama, and northern Georgia. Wherever we go, we bring our dedication and expertise to uplift the community.

At Tri Star Energy, we have established local convenience store brands and locations that do more for our community. We want guests to look forward to stopping into our stores and always having a pleasant experience inside. That is why we make sure every brand store offers quality selection, friendly service, and a clean, inviting atmosphere.

With over 200 locations, Tri Star operates C-stores under the brand names of Twice Daily and Sudden Service. White Bison is a premium coffee shop that is found inside Twice Daily stores in Nashville and Northern Alabama.


About Sanzonate Global, Inc:

Sanzonate Global Inc. is one of the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of Aqueous Ozone products by integrating data, science, and technology for maximum results. These Aqueous Ozone products effectively inactivate bacteria and viruses and provide a “green” cleaning agent and natural deodorizer without the use of chemicals. Sanzonate Global, Inc. provides sustainable products that are environmentally responsible and ethically sourced.

Aqueous Ozone is recognized by the EPA, FDA, USDA, is considered Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) as a food additive by the FDA and is compliant with the EPA Organic Program as a natural and effective cleaner and sanitizer. It is also Green Seal and Clean Seal approved. Sanzonate AO products have earned CE and UKCA Certification in the European Economic Area, as well as membership in the EUO3TA as a company complying with the Biocidal Products Regulation.

For more information: Call (855) 424-6723 or email

About the author

Mike Hanafan

Mike is co-founder and President, bringing more than 21 years of strategic executive experience to the company. Previously, Mike was President of BioSafe Distributors, LLC a leader in sustainable, “green” products for sanitizing and cleaning.  Prior to BioSafe, Mike was the founder and owner of RMH Consulting, LLC, a Business Development Consultancy Agency undertaking short-term and long-term projects to help small, mid-size, and enterprise businesses grow their market share. 

Mike was also VP of Business Development for Broadband Now, Inc. guiding the company in strategic sales and marketing to A & B Multifamily dwelling properties across the U.S. Getting his start in executive leadership, Mike was Regional Vice President of Time Warner Media Business Services spearheading strategic planning for increased brand awareness and sales of B2B voice, video, and data services.

The challenges of keeping a safe, healthy, clean environment when the building is in use Monday through Saturday, can be exhausting. Having the option to use Sanzonate’s Aqueous Ozone solutions to clean and sanitize, will provide “green” sustainable options for our staff, students, and visitors to our facilities.

Jeff Koehler. Superintendent, Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson, NE

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